Friday, March 4, 2016

Nerf Gun Battle

PawPaw, Bryce, and the cousins came in last weekend and the kids are still recovering from all the fun they had. Tyler got a Nerf bow and arrow for his birthday and so he asked his cousins to bring their Nerf guns for a backyard showdown.

Tyler with his new Nerf bow and arrow

The battle is on!

Notice how Daphne is about to shoot Uncle Bryce in the back.
She was pretty ruthless on the backyard battlefield.
And she had pretty good aim too!

Damon takes aim.

Noah holds down the fort.

Micah just tries to stay out of the line of fire!

Micah was quite pleased he could climb both
the ladder and the rock wall to get to the slide.

Watch out for this sharp shooter boys!

PawPaw gets in on the action.

Renee keeps Micah company away from the battle.

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