Tuesday, February 2, 2016

To Nap or Not To Nap... That is the Question

Daphne is slowly outgrowing naps, which has led to much grumpiness and excessive tantrum throwing. Her teacher says she is still napping at school. Of course, when Daphne naps at school she doesn't seem very tired at bedtime. She is content to quietly play with her stuffed animals in bed so we're not really sure when she actually falls asleep. On her non-school days, Daphne adamantly fights naps and exclaims repeatedly, "I'm not sleepy!" I have tried our once tried-and-true routine of reading books and then snuggling in her bed, but usually I end up taking a nap and wake up to find Daphne playing quietly on the floor. I have decided it's not worth the fight and so I have been trying not to push the issue. When Daphne doesn't nap we just make sure to put her to bed early without telling her we are doing so because she is usually so tired that she's more than ready.

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