Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Musical Beds

Lately the kids have been climbing into our bed in the middle of the night and it is driving me CRAZY. Tyler in particular is going through a "scared-of-the-dark" phase. If he wakes up in the middle of the night he turns on a light trail (lamp on nightstand, his bedroom light, and both hallway lights) until he makes it into our bed. If he happens to not fall asleep while snuggling at bedtime, Tyler will sneak into our bed before we even go to bed. Now that he is close to 60 pounds he is not so easy to move!
Last night Tyler snuck into our bed and fell asleep long before
Michael and I went to bed. Since he was asleep on my side I
got in Tyler's bed (it is the most comfortable mattress in the
house!). This morning I found Daphne snuggled up to Tyler.
She probably thought she was snuggling up to me in the darkness.

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