Sunday, January 31, 2016


Daphne currently claims that she "hates" water, but she will drink it when push comes to shove. She drinks water at school and at home although she mostly asks for milk or juice. Daphne also insists on having what she calls "bedtime water", which is a water bottle full of water in her room that she can drink at bedtime or in the middle of the night. She has been insisting on bedtime water for a few months now because Tyler has had bedtime water on his nightstand for a few years now.

Conversation between Daphne and me as I put a water bottle in her backpack for a hike yesterday morning:
Daphne: I don't want that water bottle. I want my bedtime water bottle.
Me: Your bedtime water bottle is in the dishwasher, which is running right now.
Daphne: But I don't like morning water.
Me: Let's pretend this is bedtime water.
Daphne: Okay!

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