Tuesday, January 5, 2016


I run a lot of errands with Daphne on Thursdays and Fridays while Tyler is at school. I forgot how contentious they can be when shopping together until I did a back-to-back Costco and grocery store trip over the holidays. They were very insistent on taking turns putting things in the cart and Daphne got upset that I wouldn't let her put heavy things in the cart at Costco. Eventually Daphne had a major meltdown over the Costco receipt. While checking out at Costco Tyler asked if he could hold the smiley face. I asked him what he was talking about. He reminded me that the Costco staff usually draw a smiley face on your receipt as you exit the store. So I gave Tyler the receipt on the way out. Well, Daphne was not pleased to see Tyler holding the smiley face receipt and completely lost it. She didn't even calm down when Tyler generously let her hold the receipt when we were about halfway to the car.

Still crying over the receipt even
after we arrived at the grocery store

Finally both in harmony and standing on the front of the cart
(their weight combined makes it so hard to push!); Luckily an
awesome HEB employee saw Daphne crying and got her
smiling by asking her how old she is, giving her a high five,
and giving her a bunch of Buddy Bucks.

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