Saturday, April 18, 2015

Potty Regression

I awoke at 4:45 am on Thursday morning to a strange sensation that I was wet. Upon further investigation it turned out that Daphne, who had been snuggled up next to me since about 1 am, had peed in my bed and we were both laying in the pee puddle. Ewwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!! Mama was not happy and promptly woke up Daddy. We stripped Daphne down and she was quite surprised to be woken up so early and given a bath. I started laundry and showered before trying to get some more shut-eye and we sent Daphne back to her own dry bed.

While I can't blame Daphne for having a potty accident in her sleep (although it does give me cause for banning her from my bed), she has had a handful of "accidents" over the past few weeks that we think were preventable. One of them even occurred as she stood in the corner of the bathroom and proceeded to wet herself. Luckily most of the potty regressions have been at home but there is a certain play structure at a fast food restaurant that I will not name that has hopefully had a good cleaning since Daphne's last visit.

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