Friday, April 10, 2015


Checking out their Easter Bunny loot, which was meager
compared to the big baskets of candy Abuelita brought them

Tyler recently lost his second top tooth and
has quite a toothless smile these days
Ed (Michael's cousin) and his wife Andrea held their annual Easter family gathering at their house in San Antonio. Tyler and Daphne had a blast running around playing with their 2nd and 3rd cousins.

The peanut gallery

The 5 and under crowd got a head start in the egg hunt

Clockwise: Tyler, Bubba, Abby, Elijah, Drew, Emily,
Daphne, Noriah, and Cristian

Daphne used a 1-handed approach
to swing at the piñata

Tyler said he wanted it hard so Ed pulled the
piñata up high a few times

Drew was the last of all the kids to take
swings and was able to bust the piñata open.

Velia, Eddie, Joe, and Helen

Debbie & Joe

Smurf tongue

Ed and Andrea with a Cristian photo bomb

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