Friday, January 2, 2015

Austin Zoo and Animal Sanctuary

The cousins enjoyed spending a morning at the Austin Zoo and Animal Sanctuary. We got lucky and went on the one sunny day during the holidays. It actually warmed up quite a bit too by the end of our visit. I loved the roaming peacocks, Daphne liked the tiger best, and Tyler really liked the wolf pack.
Daphne with a roaming peacock

Tyler and Noah pretending to be wolves

So amped up about the train ride, we couldn't get all the cousins
to pose in front of the train because they were ready to board

Train selfie

Feeding the goats

Tyler feeding a goat

Daphne feeding a deer

I got nervous and jumped when I fed the llama. His tongue
tickled my hand! Little Micah was completely unfazed and
fed the llama several times.

Megan, Hazel, and Tyler

Micah tripped and fell face first and
because he drools so much leaves
stuck to his chin. The drool reminds
me of when Tyler was little!

Daphne, Noah, and Tyler snorting like pigs

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