Sunday, January 4, 2015

3-Year Well Child Check Up

Our superhero butterfly

Daphne had her 3-year well child visit on Friday. She is doing great. She measured 36-3/4" tall (43rd percentile) and weighed in at 33.4 pounds (75th percentile). Her growth trajectiles are consistent with past measurements.

Daphne has acted like a big girl for so long that I'm having a hard time thinking of what she has been doing recently that is new:
  • She is almost potty trained. Daphne is doing great staying dry but needs a little work on the other end.
  • Daphne is very independent, tries to do everything herself, and only wants help when she can't do something after trying herself.
  • She is a little chatterbox and also loves to sing songs, whether they are ones she knows or ones she makes up.
  • Daphne picks out all her own outfits and only sometimes listens to my suggestions related to coordination.
  • She loves going to her weekly gym class and has started asking about dance class.
  • Daphne is rough and tumble and naturally gravitates towards the boys in her preschool class but also plays with most of the girls.
  • And naturally Daphne wants to do everything that big brother Tyler does. 

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