Thursday, August 21, 2014

Zuma Beach in Malibu

We enjoyed the drive along the Pacific Coast Highway on the way to Malibu. We had perfect weather for playing in the sand (low 70s) but the water was a little chilly for my liking. Tyler still enjoyed playing in the waves. When we first got to the beach Daphne went and sat down in the water's edge to play but got knocked over by the next wave. The tide is definitely a lot stronger on the Pacific than in the Gulf of Mexico! After that Daphne steered clear of the water but had a blast playing in the sand. Now Daphne says she is scared of the beach, but I know she just means the waves.

Maybe next time we'll have to let Tyler loose on a body board.

Michael, Ludy, and Tyler

Both kids wanted to be buried in the sand several times.

Michael tried to keep it easy for Daphne to escape.

Sand castle with moat

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