Thursday, August 28, 2014

Big Week for Daphne

Unlike Tyler, Daphne does not
usually like to pose for photos.
She is also not a morning person!
This week has marked two big changes for Daphne. On Monday she moved up to a new preschool class (still at her same school). So far the transition has been pretty smooth because she gets to see one of her old teachers when I drop her off in the morning and because most of her old class also moved up to the new class. Being in her new class also seems to have renewed Daphne's interest in the potty, but I'm not getting my hopes up yet.

The second big change is that on Thursdays and Fridays she now gets me all to herself while Tyler is in kindergarten. She lived it up today- she sat in Tyler's spot at the table for breakfast and wore his sunglasses in the car. Today was also the start of her new gym class, which she loves. At lunch I asked Daphne if she missed Tyler or if she was enjoying having me all to herself and her answer was definitely having Mommy to herself. With all the big changes the kid have been fighting over me lately and I have to remind Tyler that when he was Daphne's age he had me all to himself.

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