Saturday, August 10, 2013


Unpacking has been slow going but as of today we are done with boxes. Not everything has found a home or been put away in an orderly fashion, but we are no longer digging through boxes. We did finally get the kitchen fully unpacked and organized last night and that has made a huge difference. We also came across a number of items that were supposed to be packed for storage so we had to re-box those and take them to our storage unit today.

I definitely don't recommend moving with a toddler! Daphne touches just about everything she sees and so it has been a challenge to unpack and keep her out of trouble. Especially since she can reach the edge of the kitchen counter now. Overall both kids have been pretty good sports and they have been pretty happy to see familiar toys and objects come out of boxes. Tyler actually helped us unpack the toys.

Boxes for kitchen stuff were never-ending!

Breakfast in the kitchen before we had
the dining area set up for meals.

Exploring all items as they came out of boxes

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