Saturday, August 10, 2013


Shopping with the kids is quite an adventure these days. Tyler wants me to buy everything he sees and is constantly saying, "Mommy, I need to show you something." I have been telling him to ask Santa since January and if I had truly kept track his Christmas list is probably a mile long by now. Daphne often gets mad when I strap her into a shopping cart and so I have been trying to let her walk more. However, she touches lots of things and I really have to keep a close eye on her. If I do get a cart both kids want to help push it or ride on it in ways not recommended by the manufacturer. We have been running a lot of errands to get stuff for the apartment and the kids are getting a little weary from all the shopping.
Tyler, Daphne, and I spent over 2 hours in IKEA! To be fair,
only a fraction of the time was actually spent shopping. We ate
lunch in the café and played throughout the store. The kids
wanted to try out all sorts of chairs and naturally played with
the slide, circus tent, and other toys that were on display
in the kids area.

Tyler can be such a ham. He tried to pick himself up while
standing inside a basket at Staples. And of course Daphne tried
to copy him. Prior to this the kids had taken about 6 or 7
baskets off the stack and had scattered them on the floor.

Containment at last! The race car shopping
carts are such a pain to push but they really
do help entertain the kids.

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