Sunday, January 13, 2013

Houston Visit with the Hulett Family

Trusty Rudolph, that we made as a family in the 80s, still holds up
Tyler and Daphne with PawPaw on Christmas morning

Daphne, Megan, and Hazel

Out for a walk- the kids crossed the street
with me while my dad took the dogs across

The whole gang minus the photographer (my dad)

Bryce and Brad teaching Tyler and Noah how to roughhouse

Sonia and Bryce

Noah and Tyler showing Damon how to roughouse with PawPaw

Bryce and Sonia's house

All geared up for the Texans game

The grandsons: Noah, Tyler, and Damon

Getting pushed around by his little sister!

Damon, Noah, Daphne, Tyler, and Hazel
(so hard to get 5 kids under age 4 to pose for a photo!)

Brad, Megan, and Hazel with Hazel's satsuma tree
(my dad has planted a tree for each grandchild)

Tyler and Daphne are 2300 miles
from PawPaw's house
(and he doesn't let us forget it!)

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