Sunday, November 4, 2012

Trick or Treat!

We went trick-or-treating in Multnomah Village, which is perfect for the little ones. The businesses all hand out candy in the late afternoon. We were home by dinner and the kids were in bed on time. It rained most of the day and by some miracle it let up right as we met up with our friends. On the rainy drive there Tyler told Michael, " I think we should go trick-or-treating indoors!" Definitely not a die-hard!
Lilith, Tyler, Calvin, Christopher, and Daphne

Lourdes and Renee

Daphne was so worn out from being at daycare all day,
she sat pretty still in her stroller and just took in all the activity.

Tyler opted not to wear his mask, which
was good since I don't think he could see
very well through the mesh over the eyes.

Huang family

Hurtado family

Tuck family

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