Sunday, November 4, 2012


Crashed out on the couch after telling me he didn't need a nap

About to gnaw on her crib rail
I have never had the kids on a regimented napping schedule but generally try to work them into the day. Tyler is at an age where many kids give up napping altogether. However, I think Tyler still needs a nap because otherwise he gets really grouchy or he starts nodding off right before dinner. Tyler is constantly telling us that he doesn't need a nap. I can't tell you how many times I have read him a few books and then kept him company in bed and he has fallen asleep pretty easily in minutes. This often puts me to sleep too! Eventually I know Tyler will give up napping and I think we will resort to an hour of quiet time daily for everyone's sanity.

Daphne pretty much just takes 2 naps a day now but the duration is anyone's guess. At daycare Daphne doesn't want to miss out on the social experience and so she only takes about two half-hour naps. Then she comes home exhausted and is often ready for bed in the middle of dinner. She also doesn't nap while out and about like she did as an infant. She'll fall asleep in her car seat but as soon as she senses we are out of the car she is wide awake. Of course when she is sleeping in her crib Daphne will often take naps in the 2 - 4 hour range. So unpredictable! When we get really lucky Daphne's afternoon nap coincides with Tyler's nap.

1 comment:

  1. Even PawPaw never tried to eat his crib. The Daffer is a real chow hound.

    She looks like she is getting very mobile. We need to get her walking when she visits at Christmas!
