Monday, May 14, 2012


Sacked out on the couch on Saturday
Tyler has roseola, which is a viral rash that is mild and harmless but contagious. He had a fever on and off between Wednesday night and Saturday morning. He has also been fussy and hasn't had much appetite. We thought he turned a corner when he woke up on Saturday because the fever went away and he rested a bunch (he napped from 11:30 to 3:00 after sleeping in until 8:45!). So we actually got out and about yesterday since it was Mother's Day. Then yesterday evening we noticed he had a rash on his face, neck, and shoulders. The rash seemed a little worse today (it spread to his arms and legs) plus Tyler voluntarily wanted to go take a nap instead of eat lunch. So we saw the doctor this afternoon and found out about roseola. There is no treatment for it and it clears up on its own. The good news is that Tyler will probably only have the rash, which is non-itchy, for another day or two and then be fine. We're just crossing our fingers that Daphne doesn't catch it.

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