Saturday, May 5, 2012

Daphne's 4-Month Check-Up

Daphne had her 4-month well-child doctor’s visit on Friday. Here are the stats:
  • Weight: 15 lb 8 oz (83rd percentile)
  • Length: 2’ 3/4” (64th percentile)
  • Head Circumference: 16-1/4” (55th percentile)

We already knew Daphne is a little chunk, but the numbers confirmed it. Her pediatrician said we should cap her formula at 30 ounces per day. I had calculated that worst case she has been having 32 ounces per day: one 7 - 8 oz. bottle first thing in the morning and four 5 -6 oz. bottles throughout the day. Other recent Daphne developments:
  • She started laughing last week. I discovered this when I tickled her under her chin.
  • Daphne is using her hands more. She likes to grab my hair, her clothes/bib, and bottle. She can hold her bottle briefly if I position her hands right. She will also grasp small toys if you place them nearby.
  • She loves to watch Tyler. Thank goodness for this built-in entertainment.
  • Daphne is sleeping 11 to 11-1/2 hours per night. I love sleep!
  • She is a good baby but a little fussier than Tyler was. She likes to fight falling asleep and will cry. She does calm down when you hold her just right though. She also gets fussy during feedings and sometimes needs the pacifier for a while in the middle of a bottle to calm down before drinking more.
  • Daphne loves the pacifier but also likes to suck her thumb.

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