Friday, April 6, 2012

I Want to Ride My Tricycle

This trike appears to be on steroids

Viola and Tyler sometimes race although
I am not sure Viola is aware that Tyler
considers what they do racing

Look Mom- I can pedal with one foot

Teresa getting her baby-holding fill
Indoor play park had a variety of tricycles the other day and even though there were tons of kids Tyler seemed to manage to ride every type of tricycle available. He loves zooming around. One of Tyler's favorite things about moving up to the 3-year old preschool class at daycare is that their playground has tricycles. One of his teachers told me he used to stare longingly at the tricycles through the chain link fence when he was on the 2-year old playground. Michael and I have tried to get Tyler out on his no-pedal balance bicycle lately but when the weather is nice he often wants us to take him to the playground instead.

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