Saturday, November 12, 2011

Soccer Class

Tyler had his first of six soccer classes today. The class was structured perfectly for toddlers. The kids learned how to dribble and trap the ball. Then they played a few fun games:
  • Cone field: They dribbled back and forth through a huge field of cones and tried to avoid the cones.
  • Tunnel tag: When they kicked their ball into another player's ball that person became "frozen" and had to hold their ball over their head with their legs spread. They then became "unfrozen" when you kicked a ball through their legs. Tyler liked freezing Daddy.
  • Pac Man: They kicked their balls into cones and got to collect each cone they hit.
Unfortunately there was a very loud basketball game going on in the other half of the gym. About 5 minutes into the soccer class a very loud buzzer went off. Tyler was freaked out by the buzzer and so he insisted on holding Michael's hand or my hand for the rest of the class.

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