Friday, September 9, 2011

It's a Girl Responses

Lots of responses to my "Ziggy is a GIRL!" text blast:
  • Megan: "I knew it!!! Tyler officially called it!!! I'm so happy for you guys!!"
  • Sonia: "Yay! I know your dad is just over the moon that you're having a girl. Congrats!"
  • Martha: "Sooo exciting!!! I had a feeling Tyler was right!"
  • Janina: "Congratulations!... I bet this is no surprise to Tyler."
  • Angie: "Oh wow... congrats! Tyler was right. ; )"
  • Dad: "I've known all along in my heart!"
  • Bryce: "Awesome! Tyler knew all along. We are very excited for you."
  • Brad: "Very exciting. Tyler was right all along!"
  • Wendy: "Yay!!!!!!! I like the name Wendy!" [FYI- Ziggy's due date is a day before Wendy's birthday.]
  • Elaine: "Awesome. Woot!"

1 comment:

  1. Although I prefer "Savannah" as a name for "Ziggy", "Wendy" is also an excellent choice - Paw Paw
