Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Me: You are so hyper!
Tyler: BIG hyper!!!! (while bouncing on the sofa)

Monday, September 26, 2011

PlayDate PDX

Michael took today off work for some family time since we escaped to the coast without Tyler this weekend. We headed to PlayDate PDX for some fun since it was wet out this morning. In particular we enjoyed pelting each other in the ball area.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Tyler's First Sleepover

Our friends Teresa and Paul graciously watched Tyler yesterday and today so that Michael and I could get away to the coast for an overnight trip to celebrate our 10th anniversary (actual anniversary is coming up on October 6). Tyler did great and we're told he behaved very well. He was very excited to hang out with Jack (age 6) and Viola (age 3). He even got to go watch Jack's soccer game. Apparently Tyler didn't seem to miss us much except around bedtime when he wanted to know where Mommy and Daddy were.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Ziggy is Kicking

For a little over a week now I have really been able to feel Ziggy moving about in my belly. She is particularly active late in the evening when I am relaxing or trying to fall asleep.

Bike Jump

Tyler told me today that he wants to jump over the sky on his bicycle.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Fashion Critic is Back!

I am wearing a new maternity shirt today. When Tyler first saw me this morning he tugged at the bottom of my shirt and told me several times, "Mommy, take that shirt off!"

Monday, September 19, 2011

Biker Boys

After a rainy weekend, Calvin and Tyler were both
excited to get out and about on their bikes today.

Track Star

Tyler has been really excited lately about the "You're a Good Sport Charlie Brown" DVD we checked out from the library. It has 2 episodes: one on motocross and one on Charlie Brown running the decathlon for his school. We realized that Tyler has really been paying attention because the other day he showed us how he does sit-ups like Charlie Brown did while in training. And now when Michael and Tyler run laps through the house, Tyler gets down on the ground like a runner in the blocks for a track event before he starts running.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Nap for Patches

Tyler decided that Patches the dog needed to take a nap. So he got his pillow and blankets out of his crib. He put Patches' head on the pillow and completely covered him up with the blankets. Then he brought all his other stuffed animals over to Patches to keep him company while he napped.

Gotta Love Honesty

Me: Are you cranky because you're tired?
Tyler: Yeah.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Drinking Fountains

Tyler LOVES public drinking fountains! Pretty much any time he sees one he has to get a drink from it even if I am already lugging around his water bottle. Often he goes back repeatedly if we are hanging out in the vicinity of the drinking fountain. Unfortunately Tyler is still too short to get water on his own so I have to hold him up. Viola was just barely tall enough for this drinking fountain and was kind enough to let Tyler push the button for her.

Name Suggestions from My Parents' Dogs

My parents' cocker spaniels (Jamie and Allie) asked my Dad to send me the following text: "I'm not so keen myself but "the girls" insisted that I send this text. They nominate this name for "Ziggie": Jamie Allie Hurtado (as an heirloom family name)."

I should mention that my parents named their dogs using the feminine of my brothers' middle names James and Allen.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fashion Critic

This morning I put on a cute pair of green suede heels with brown trim to wear to work while Tyler was watching me get ready. Tyler said, "Don't wear those shoes Mommy! They are too tight." He then dug through my closet and pulled out my brown leather boots and black leather boots. Tyler said, "Wear your rain boots Mommy. They are big." When I refused to change shoes Tyler tried to physically remove them from my feet and then went into a huge crying fit. Who knew women's fashion could be so important to a 2-year old boy?

Guess who just had to parade around in my
shoes when I took them off after work?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Gimme Some Beer

At daycare today Tyler told Ms. Christina, "You drink ice. Tyler have beer." He has been observing Michael and I at dinnertime. I typically drink ice water and Michael often has a beer or a root beer. Using his gremlin voice Tyler also added, "Gimme some beer!" Michael is absolutely mortified but I think it is hysterical.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Albert Einstein said, "Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results." I think this quote could also be adapted to: Insanity is a toddler repeating the same question, over and over again, but expecting a different answer.

Tyler Use a Jackhammer

Michael and Tyler made a wooden police car this weekend at a Lowe's Build & Grow workshop. Essentially Lowe's provides a kit with all the pieces and you hammer them together and apply stickers. The police car even has a blue light on top that actually flashes when you turn it on. Tyler is very excited about the car and has repeatedly told me, "Tyler made a police car with Daddy. Tyler use a jackhammer." I have explained several times the differences between jackhammers and regular hammers but Tyler still thinks he used a jackhammer.

Camera trouble

Our camera is currently out of commission and we're still troubleshooting the problem. In the meantime I am suffering from picture-taking withdrawal!!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Random Tyler Quotes

  • "Daddy talk!" [when Michael fell asleep reading bedtime stories recently]
  • "I'm a cookie monster truck!" [shortly after eating a cookie]
  • "I'm funny!" [said often while giggling about something Tyler has said or done that he thinks is particularly amusing]

Friday, September 9, 2011

It's a Girl Responses

Lots of responses to my "Ziggy is a GIRL!" text blast:
  • Megan: "I knew it!!! Tyler officially called it!!! I'm so happy for you guys!!"
  • Sonia: "Yay! I know your dad is just over the moon that you're having a girl. Congrats!"
  • Martha: "Sooo exciting!!! I had a feeling Tyler was right!"
  • Janina: "Congratulations!... I bet this is no surprise to Tyler."
  • Angie: "Oh wow... congrats! Tyler was right. ; )"
  • Dad: "I've known all along in my heart!"
  • Bryce: "Awesome! Tyler knew all along. We are very excited for you."
  • Brad: "Very exciting. Tyler was right all along!"
  • Wendy: "Yay!!!!!!! I like the name Wendy!" [FYI- Ziggy's due date is a day before Wendy's birthday.]
  • Elaine: "Awesome. Woot!"

Ziggy is a GIRL!

Waving hello
The big ultrasound was today and the view between the legs was pretty clear for the ultrasound tech to confidently say that we are having a GIRL! We are very excited. Of course, Tyler thought he was having a baby sister all along so this was no surprise to him. Most importantly, the baby looks great and is progressing normally. She was pretty active during the ultrasound and it was fun to watch her swimming around in my belly. I am 19 weeks along today, which means I am one week shy of being halfway there.

Boys on Wheels

Tyler was very excited to borrow Calvin's tricycle because it has pedals. Both boys had such a good time riding along that they didn't even want to stop and play on the playground!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Patches in the Potty

Patches maintained a smile throughout the
ordeal. What a trooper!
Tyler has been peeing in the normal toilet, perched atop a stool, several times a day for about 2 weeks now. It helps that we ask him often if he needs to potty, particularly after he wakes up, after a nap, and before he puts on his pajamas. Tyler also gets to pick out a sticker after he goes potty and washes his hands. This morning when Tyler woke up and I asked him if needed to potty he said yes and that Patches (his stuffed animal dog) also needed to go potty. So he brought Patches to the bathroom with us. I turned away for a few seconds to get the stool and when I turned back around Patches was floating in the toilet. Apparently Tyler thought Patches could sit on the toilet seat by himself. Poor Patches had to sit in a bucket all day while I was at work before I had a chance to run him through the washer and dryer!

Monday, September 5, 2011


Creating spin art

Calvin and Tyler at the light table

Spinning the rotors on the "helicopter"

Christopher and Tyler sending balls up the tubes

Calvin gets in on the action

Tyler pretending to eat fake food. If only he were that
adventurous with real food!!!!

Working with Daddy

Tyler played on the iPad while Michael did a little work.

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Zoo

Calvin, Tyler, and Christopher checking out the faux eagle nest

Calvin snacking in his super cool car

Tractor time!

Tyler stealing Calvin's ride

It's a petting zoo miracle. This is the first time Tyler has ever
wanted to pet any animals at the zoo.

Christopher and Tyler banging on the drums

Renee and Tyler

Sandie and Christopher
Tyler has enjoyed the zoo for quite some time now, but as he gets older he is becoming more engaged with the experience. This is the first trip that Tyler has asked to check out specific animals. He wanted to see the elephants, zebras, sea lions, and the drums.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Good Thinking

Back around Memorial Day we took Tyler to the dinosaur exhibit at the zoo. He was completely terrified because the animatronic dinosaurs seemed real and roared super loud. Earlier today I told Tyler that we are going to the zoo tomorrow. He said, "Dinosaurs are too loud! How about we see the elephants?"