Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Family Sedan or Race Car?

Lately Tyler keeps asking to ride in the car (a Camry) instead of our SUV (a Pilot). When out and about with Tyler we almost always take the Pilot because it is roomier and easier to get Tyler in and out of his car seat. We thought Tyler wants to ride in the Camry because he rarely gets to ride in it. However, we now think it's because Tyler thinks the Camry is a race car. A few days ago he started calling it his race car. I should point out that our Camry is a very neutral gray and not even remotely flashy in color. This morning I took Tyler to daycare in the Camry and we had the following conversation as I was driving maybe a whopping 25 mph down our street:
  • Tyler: This car is fast!
  • Me: Faster than the Pilot?
  • Tyler: Yeah!

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