Sunday, April 10, 2011

What to wear?

Tyler has started to provide his opinion on what he wants to wear. Earlier this week Tyler really wanted to wear his dinosaur shirt even though he had already worn it the day before and it was in the dirty clothes. I eventually talked him into one of his car shirts. Then the other day Tyler was insistent on wearing his Aggie pants and Aggie shirt. At the end of the day he was upset he had to take off his Aggie shirt to get into his pajamas. And often Tyler does not want to get out of his pajamas, especially his favorite ones (e.g. football, cars). It is nice to see Tyler expressing his opinion but a part of me is sad because I enjoy picking out his little outfits.


  1. No self-respecting boy wants to wear what his Mama likes. Give him some space and burn the Aggie outfits! --- PawPaw

  2. It is sacreligious to burn Aggie outfits! Besides, we can't help it if our son has great taste.
