Monday, February 21, 2011

Potty Time?

We are still trying to decide how best to go about potty training and when to start. Around Christmas-time Tyler started telling us when he has a dirty diaper and has recently taken an interest in the potty. He still doesn't care if his diaper is wet because diapers are so absorbant that I don't think it bothers him. A few days ago we put a toddler potty in the bathroom and Tyler was very excited. He essentially took the thing apart and checked out all of the compartments. We are going to let him get all of the playing out of his system (e.g. stuffing his blankie into the potty!) before we actually let him try to use it. I swear I did not pose Tyler for the photo of him reading on the potty. Tyler typically follows either Michael or me into the bathroom and on this occasion he brought along a book about trains and happily sat right down on the potty.

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