Monday, February 28, 2011


Some new firsts:
  • Tyler took off his socks for the first time today. He usually asks us for help even though we have shown him how to do it himself. Today I think he got tired of waiting for me to finish what I was doing to help him.
  • Tyler took his jacket off all by himself today. He is usually able to get the zipper most of the way down but has trouble getting the zipper apart at the bottom. Today he managed the entire zipper plus he wiggled out of the sleeves.
  • Yesterday Tyler discovered how to open the drawer where I keep all his clean blankets. I fear this may mean more laundry for me if he gets them all out to play with!
  • Tyler loves to jump. Today, despite me telling him not to, he stood up on the couch and jumped up and down on the couch. Then he piled all the throw pillows in the center of the couch and dove over them. So far Tyler only jumps up and down. I just hope he doesn't start jumping off of things.

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