Saturday, October 10, 2009

Under the Weather

Poor little Tyler has some kind of virus. It all started with a runny nose on Wednesday evening. By Thursday evening he was coughing in addition to the runny nose and last night he had his first fever. Michael took his temperature around 4 pm yesterday and it was around 99 degrees and then when we got him ready for bed around 7:15 pm Tyler had a fever of 101.7 degrees. He went right to sleep at 7:15, but did wake up a few times during the night. The fever was gone by this morning but he is still pretty congested. Tyler seemed pretty normal this morning and early in the afternoon, but he got really fussy after 4 pm. Tylenol seemed to help but you can definitely tell he is not feeling his best. One of the after-hours advice nurses I talked to last night (after being on hold for an hour!) thinks it is probably just a virus and not the flu. Apparently there are a lot of bugs going around right now. Hopefully Tyler will start feeling better soon. It's heartbreaking to see him in distress, especially since he can't tell us specifically what is making him feel bad.

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