Friday, October 2, 2009

Crazy Busy

I haven't had time to post in a while because I have been crazy busy! Plus Tyler brought home some germs from daycare that gave both Michael and I a nasty cold. Work has been insanely busy (mostly because a client decided to move up a deadline by a month!). All the transportation agencies have been rushing to get projects out to bid because of all the stimulus money they received and so we are busy helping out. Our good friends Martha and Brad were in town for a few days this past weekend with their kids Andrew and Lydia and we had a blast catching up and showing them around Oregon. Tyler was unusually fussy after they flew back to Texas and I think it was his way of telling me he was sad they left. What a sweetheart!

I have numerous photos to sort through to pick out the gems for posting, but I will post a few videos right now to tide over you die-hards who have been missing your Tyler updates.

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