Thursday, September 10, 2009

Teething in Progress?

Double-fisting it! Must fit both hands in mouth simultaneously...
Or maybe I will just gnaw on Daddy's hand instead...
We think Tyler is teething because:
  • The drooling has increased significantly. Sometimes we change his outfit because the entire top half of his shirt is wet.
  • Tyler has been fussier than usual. Usually a bottle, diaper change, or nap stops the fussing but not always lately.
  • He has been pushing his tongue against his lower gums. The lower front teeth typically come in first.
  • Tyler has been having minor diarrhea since Sunday. Gross- I know! Apparently many people think this is a side effect of teething because of all the extra saliva that gets swallowed. The medical community is divided on whether this is true or not.
Chewing on anything and everything is also a sign of teething. Tyler has been doing this for quite a while now so it's hard to tell whether this applies.

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