Saturday, September 19, 2009

Gig 'em Aggies (2-0)

The Ags have yet to be televised this season, and there is currently not a televised game on the schedule until Thanksgiving! That didn't stop us from dressing Tyler in his college game day clothes. In hindsight, I should have added his Aggie football and Aggie pacifier to the picture. You can never have enough Aggie stuff! The Ags did manage to beat Utah State today and I am sure Tyler's support somehow played a role. ; )


  1. Whoop!!! It was good seeing you the other day, makes my feel like I actually know people here when I run into them unexpectedly. Tyler is really starting to look like he could hold him own with the twins - play date soon?

  2. Cherie- A play date soon would definitely be fun. It's amazing how fast they change at this stage! Tyler probably could hold his own with Devin and Dane. ;)
