Friday, May 29, 2009

Now Weighing In...

Today Tyler weighed in at 9 lb 6 oz. This was great news! Last Thursday I took him in for a weight check as I was concerned he wasn't gaining enough weight. Unfortunately at that time he weighed 7 lb 7 oz, which meant he had only gained 5 oz over a 4-week period. Babies typically gain 3 to 8 oz per week. Essentially what we have figured out is that my milk supply was low and not providing enough food for Tyler. (and here I thought breastfeeding was natural!) His diet now consists of only formula, hence the healthy weight gain. Since the diet change Tyler seems more content. He is now sleeping in his crib at night instead of with me on the couch (although we do take the occasional afternoon nap together on the couch). Tyler also started smiling this week and making cooing sounds! We are working on catching his big smiles on camera, but you never know what you're going to capture with a baby. It's difficult enough getting a non-blurry photo as Tyler is constantly moving unless he is asleep!

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