Friday, May 29, 2009

Now Weighing In...

Today Tyler weighed in at 9 lb 6 oz. This was great news! Last Thursday I took him in for a weight check as I was concerned he wasn't gaining enough weight. Unfortunately at that time he weighed 7 lb 7 oz, which meant he had only gained 5 oz over a 4-week period. Babies typically gain 3 to 8 oz per week. Essentially what we have figured out is that my milk supply was low and not providing enough food for Tyler. (and here I thought breastfeeding was natural!) His diet now consists of only formula, hence the healthy weight gain. Since the diet change Tyler seems more content. He is now sleeping in his crib at night instead of with me on the couch (although we do take the occasional afternoon nap together on the couch). Tyler also started smiling this week and making cooing sounds! We are working on catching his big smiles on camera, but you never know what you're going to capture with a baby. It's difficult enough getting a non-blurry photo as Tyler is constantly moving unless he is asleep!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Click on photo to see entire album...
Memorial Day

Friday, May 22, 2009

Napping with Mommy

Hanging out with Calvin

Tyler and his buddy Calvin have lots in common: they are both preemies, they love their soothies pacifiers, they love strolling in the park, and most of all they love their mommies. (photo courtesy of Calvin's mommy Lourdes)

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I love the many faces Tyler makes when we burp him, especially when he wrinkles his little forehead.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Faces of Cuteness

Strollin' Along

Tyler relaxed in the stroller while we enjoyed a walk in the gorgeous 80+ degree weather. He has started trying to hold his pacifier in his mouth.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Turning a Corner?

Last night Tyler only cried for part of his bath and was very
agreeable for the rest of it. That was the second semi-pleasant
bath this week!
While Tyler did sleep on my chest on the couch for a good chunk
of the night (really my fault for falling asleep there while waiting
for Tyler to fall asleep!), he went back to bed without any crying
after eating at 4:30 am and 7:30 am. Later in the morning when
Tyler fell asleep in the sling I put him in the crib and he slept for
40 minutes! I wasn't sure what to do first with my 2 free hands!
I think the bouncer is a success. He seems to like hanging out
there while we eat. Today I was even able to make lunch, eat
lunch, unload the dishwasher, and handwash a bunch of
bottles before Tyler wanted to be held again.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

To Bounce or Not to Bounce

Tyler is still undecided on whether he likes the bouncer (that also vibrates) we recently picked up from craigslist. He was actually in the mood for it last night and sat in it quietly during most of dinner. I'm not sure how he wasn't distracted by the wonderful aroma of the cajun BBQ shrimp Brad and Megan cooked for us.

Out and About in Portland

Tyler and I have been hanging out with Brad and Megan, who flew home this morning. A few spots we hit the last 2 days: HUB microbrewery, Deschutes microbrewery (top 2 photos), and Voodoo Doughnuts (last photo). Megan convinced us all to try the maple bar with bacon (that Anthony Bourdain raved about on No Reservations) and it wasn't half bad. While out and about Tyler is perfectly content riding in the car and hanging out with me in a sling. I am enjoying this contentness because I know it won't last long.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

I had a fantastic first Mother's Day! For starters, Tyler left a card for me in his crib (he is quite an advanced preemie). Michael made us all a yummy breakfast and then we spent the afternoon wine tasting. Well, Tyler and I stuck to milk and water, respectively, but it was great to get out of the house and enjoy the beautiful weather and scenery. We ended the day with a nice dinner out. Tyler behaved like an angel all day and quietly hung out in his sling all through dinner.

Rock Star

I would like to think this picture captures Tyler rockin' out to the radio with an air microphone; however, he was just stretching.

Cajun Company

My brother Brad and his fiance Megan flew in from New Orleans on Friday to meet their nephew. Brad is thinking fatherhood might not be so bad since it entails hanging out on the couch with the baby to watch TV or to catch a snooze. Brad and Megan are in town until Wednesday and I am loving the extra help!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Long Fingernails

Every time I think I have Tyler's fingernails under control he goes and scratches his face. Tonight he drew blood right under his nose. Poor little guy! I swear his nails grow at supersonic speed.

Sleeps Like a Baby (during the day)

Now if he only slept like this in the middle of the night! Last night I tried unsuccessfully to get him to fall asleep in his crib between 1:45 and 2:25 am. I finally gave up and put him on my chest while I reclined on the sofa. We were both asleep in minutes and stayed that way until 5;30 am when Tyler was ready to eat again. This was not the first night we have slept on the sofa! Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Business Casual

Tyler got dressed in his best business casual for his debut visit to my office yesterday afternoon. While he was alert before we left the house he pretty much slept the entire time he was held by my co-workers. He did briefly wake up to eat and managed to spit up on Jennifer's shirt after she gave him a bottle. I can't believe it's been 3 months since I set foot in the office! I will be on maternity leave until mid-August and will then go back to work 3 days/week.