Friday, January 1, 2021

Rum Cake

Tyler is less traditional in the types of desserts he likes compared to most kids. Ice cream? Forget it! He would rather have salted caramel gelato. Cookies? Not really- sometimes the occasional sugar cookie. Definitely not chocolate chip cookies. Cake for his birthday? Usually red velvet or strawberry. Tyler recently discovered rum cake. Mary made one that my dad brought at Thanksgiving and he loved it! So Tyler and I got Mary's recipe and made the rum cake yesterday. We ended up using a different liquor since our liquor store didn't have the one Mary uses. It came out pretty tasty but Tyler says that Mary's rum cake is better.

I caught Tyler on video unaware while he was singing a rum cake song he made up while he was greasing the bundt cake pan.

Getting ready to make the batter

The first piece! Tyler isn't wild about nuts in baked
goods so we only sprinkled chopped pecans on 
half of the cake.

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