Saturday, September 23, 2017

Elizabet Ney Museum & Portraiture in the Park

Last Sunday was free Museum Day. We decided to check out the Elizabet Ney Museum, which is a small art museum with sculptures. On the grounds of the park they had Portraiture in the Park to celebrate Museum Day. Daphne, our art lover, loved the whole experience and Tyler was mostly bored. The Portraiture in the Park had tons of stations run by local college art students where kids and adults could create various types of art. The focus was on portraits but you could make other art as well. Daphne could have done every station but we hit about five before Tyler and Michael were ready to call it an afternoon.

Photo from City's website

Marble busts in the museum

Tyler was fascinated by the typewriter in the museum's tower.

Daphne learns how to make a print.

The smash face station was fun! Tyler
smashed his face against the glass and
Daphne traced it with Sharpie on the other
side. Then you use winter oil to transfer the
marker to a paper you can take home.

Both kids were amused.

Daphne's five pieces of art that she brought home with her.
Tyler (top middle artwork) looks a little like an alien.

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