Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Tyler's Track & Field Day

The second graders actually competed by class for bragging rights. There were at least 12 different earth-themed relay races where 8 - 10 members of each class competed against the other six classes plus a big tug-of-war showdown with multiple rounds. Points were awarded to each class for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places for each event and overall. Tyler was excited that his class came in first for two of the relays that he participated in. The largest trophy of the day was for sportsmanship. The kids did a really good job of cheering each other on.
Tyler's class before the first event

Classes ready for a relay

Tyler hands off a water bottle in the recycling relay.

Alternative transportation mode: jump roping

Another recycling relay

Save the world- this was definitely the most fun to watch. Five
kids at a time formed a chain on the ground and used their feet
and hands to pass a beach ball with the globe on it. 

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