Monday, February 20, 2017


All four of us were off today for President's Day. Since it was wet out, we decided to go bowling. This was the first time Daphne has bowled without rolling the ball down the ball positioner. She used a variety of methods with her 6-pound ball and even got a strike after using a very unconventional twist and hurl method. The frame earlier that same method caused her ball to jump over the bumper and land in the gutter, requiring one of the bowling alley employees to retrieve the ball. Michael and I didn't score much better than Tyler but Michael still managed to beat me by 1 point. I redeemed myself in a second game against Tyler with a slightly better score.

Tyler is still using the bumpers but his aim is getting better.

Daphne mostly rolled the ball granny style. There were a few
slow-rolling balls that we were surprised had enough oomph
to make it all the way down to the pins.

Riding in the safari mobile

Michael went easy on Tyler at air hockey. I didn't go easy but
Tyler easily managed to beat me by one point.

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