Saturday, September 3, 2016


Daphne's Pre-K teacher loves taking pictures of the kids, which is great because I love seeing what she has been up to at school.

Daphne has been using 99, 100, and 101 lately to describe
things. I believe this is based on hearing us use the term 100%.
For example, she will say, "Mommy, I love you 100."

Yesterday Daphne's teacher asked each student to share: "What was your favorite thing that we did this week?" Daphne's response was "sitting very quietly". I asked her why she picked that and she said because if you are quiet and good you get prize box. Daphne was pretty excited she got prize box yesterday and brought home a fun Minnie Mouse stencil ruler.

Pre-K must really be wearing Daphne out because she keeps telling us proudly she actually naps during naptime. She hasn't regularly napped for us since January. The Pre-K students get a 45-minute nap this month and they decrease it by 5 minutes each month to prepare them for kindergarten.

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