Friday, June 17, 2016

Cub Karts

Last weekend Tyler's cub scout pack held Cub Karts, which was a go-kart race to have fun but also to see who was the fastest. Each cub got to race in the unpainted kart on the north side and in the red kart on the south side. The unpainted kart and the slightly steeper grade on the north side of the parking lot made for much faster times. A few cubs veered off course but most of them made it to the finish line pretty easily.

Ryan and Tyler ready to race

Ryan's kart veered off course, which is why you only see
Tyler cross the finish line in the video.

Mr. Competitive (aka Tyler) looks so serious!

Daphne played near me at the finish line
where I timed the karts on the north side.

Michael caught a zebra!

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