Monday, December 7, 2015


Bryce, Brad, Megan, and I took the kids bowling. Brad beat everyone pretty handily. I'm ashamed to admit that little 3-year old Hazel managed to come in 2nd (she must take after her daddy), which was a good 10 points ahead of me. I was happy I broke 100 though. Maybe I need to use bumpers and a ball positioner?

We managed to squeeze the 6 big kids into Bryce's minivan!

It was tough to keep the kids wrangled because they constantly
wanted to touch all the balls and be out on the approaches to
the bowling lanes.

Tyler in action. He was the only kid who threw the ball.

Daphne insisted on using a 14-pound ball
and carrying it to the ball positioner.

They didn't have bowling shoes in Penelope's size!

Michael and my dad went to the University
of Houston-Navy game while we were bowling.

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