Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Krause Springs

Tyler's first Cub Scout camping trip was supposed to be the weekend before Halloween. All four of us had planned to go and we even made sure we could set our tent up in the backyard since Michael and I haven't been camping since 1999. However, the original campout got rained out during some of the central Texas flooding. The campout was moved to this past weekend. Since I was in Portland for work and visiting friends, Michael left Daphne with his parents and took Tyler to the campout. They had planned to camp until the weather forecast called for temps in the mid-30s overnight. Braver (and more prepared) members of the pack camped out but Michael and Tyler just went for the day along with a bunch of other fair weather Cub Scouts.

On an adventure walk

Tug of war: Tyler is the one on the left with the backwards baseball hat.

Jackson and Tyler

Tyler, Jackson, and Brian

What better way to end the day than with s'mores?

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