Monday, November 30, 2015

Damn it!

While playing Uno with my family this weekend, Tyler loudly blurted out "Damn it!" when it was his turn to play. Michael and I asked him where he picked that up and he said he didn't know. Fast forward to last night. Tyler was taking a bath. While I was gathering towels for laundry I dropped a towel and kept standing on it while trying to pick it up. Lo and behold  I let out a "Damn it!" and Tyler smiled and said, "That's where I got it from!"


Daphne got her cowgirl on while we were packing for Houston on Wednesday.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Krause Springs

Tyler's first Cub Scout camping trip was supposed to be the weekend before Halloween. All four of us had planned to go and we even made sure we could set our tent up in the backyard since Michael and I haven't been camping since 1999. However, the original campout got rained out during some of the central Texas flooding. The campout was moved to this past weekend. Since I was in Portland for work and visiting friends, Michael left Daphne with his parents and took Tyler to the campout. They had planned to camp until the weather forecast called for temps in the mid-30s overnight. Braver (and more prepared) members of the pack camped out but Michael and Tyler just went for the day along with a bunch of other fair weather Cub Scouts.

On an adventure walk

Tug of war: Tyler is the one on the left with the backwards baseball hat.

Jackson and Tyler

Tyler, Jackson, and Brian

What better way to end the day than with s'mores?


The week before last week I took Daphne to Houston with me. She hung out with PawPaw while I attended a conference. My dad offered to take her to the zoo but she said that would be "boring" (her favorite word right now), so they went to the park and made cookies instead.

Chief Cookie Taster

Classic Daphne pout- trying to get her way about something

Much happier now

Roasting marshmallows on a Friday afternoon

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Pie Baking

Tyler and Michael did a test run of their pumpkin pie today just to make sure they are all ready for Thanksgiving.


Daphne rode her bike this morning while I jogged alongside. When we looped around the park she wanted to stop at all the workout stations and try out the equipment.

I'm not sure what this station was
supposed to be used for. The
instructions are long gone.

Exhausted! I thought Daphne climbed up here to do sit ups but
she flopped down on her belly and said she needed a rest.

Exhausted no more! Daphne probably
would have climbed higher if I had let her.


Soccer season ended this weekend. Tyler enjoyed every last minute of his time on the field.


Team USA: Coach Shawn, Angel, Tyler, Jaiden,
Esteban, Jacob, Teddy, and Gavin

Tyler is very excited about his new medal.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Naked Dancer

I have been taking Daphne to dance/gymnastics class all fall because Michael was taking Tyler to soccer at the same time. This past week Michael took Daphne to class for the first time. Not too long into the ballet portion of the class, Daphne went to the bathroom and was in there for quite a while. When she finally emerged Michael was mortified to see Daphne completely naked with her leotard tangled around her ankles. I should mention that the girls bathroom is accessed in the dance room. Instead of carrying a naked Daphne to the boys bathroom in the gym where another class was going on, Michael quickly got her re-dressed in the dance room. Luckily Daphne was not embarrassed in the slightest! I'm sure Michael was beet red.

Pony Party

Daphne went to a birthday party last weekend that included pony rides. There was a gray pony, this white one with the pink and purple mane, and another similar white one with a unicorn horn strapped on. The kids loved the ponies but the unicorn pony had the longest line of kids waiting for a turn.

Monkeying Around

Tyler's favorite part of the playground these days is the
monkey bars. He often comes home with blisters on his hands.

Daphne climbed down before we could snap a photo
of both her and Tyler sitting on the fire truck.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Daphne & Holden

Daphne (blue eyes) & Holden (brown eyes)
-drawn by Daphne
Daphne talks about Holden more than any of her other friends from school. Inevitably when I ask her about her favorite part of the day at school she says, "I played with Holden!"

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Daylight Tantrum Time

Whoever came up with daylight savings time didn't have a dramatic 3-year old. Daphne has been extra temperamental at bedtime and in the morning before school!

Fine, Fine I Will Go

At school, Tyler's class has been working on writing and illustrating short stories. Yesterday Tyler brought home his story booklet and it is titled, "Fine, Fine I Will Go". The story is about how we talked him into going on a bike ride so that he would be allowed to play video games afterwards. There is a dedication page where the author fills in who the book is dedicated to and why. Tyler dedicated his book to Dad and Mom because they're in the book.
This page cracked me up the most. Apparently the stick
figure on the right is me with my hands on my hips.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Trick or Treating

Darth Maul and Unicorn

Checking out his loot

Halloween Crafts

Showing off some of the Halloween crafts that Tyler made at school...

Wild Thing costume based on
"Where the Wild Things Are"