Sunday, September 6, 2015

Visit from PawPaw

My dad and his dog Jamie came to visit us last weekend. We were also dog-sitting Rocco (Michael's parents' dog). All parties, kids and dogs included, had a good time.

Daphne loved walking Jamie.

Tyler and Rocco do some hopscotch.

Water break! It is still hotter than Hades here.

Getting ready for a round of mini golf

Tyler loves playing but doesn't yet have the patience to take
the time to get squared up before taking each shot. He did
get his first hole in one during this game though.
Daphne gets bored after a few holes but is
content to play in the shade and collect rocks.

We played a few rounds of Uno both days
while Daphne was taking her nap.

Snow cone break

We took a family ride at the Veloway. Tyler
has ridden it several times before on the
tag-a-long behind Michael but this was the first
time he rode it on his own bike. He was pretty
wiped after one lap (3.1 miles). I'm sure that
the heat probably didn't help.

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