Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

The kids and Michael treated me to a fantastic Mother's Day. We took a bike ride in downtown Austin this morning, which included a loop around Lady Bird Lake and the boardwalk trail along the Colorado River. We stopped for lunch at Austin Beer Garden and then later for dinner we went out to dinner with Michael's parents.
Daphne seemed pretty content riding in the bike trailer.

Tyler's legs are finally long enough for the tag-a-long bike.

The kids got me a card that plays tropical island music and got a kick out of dancing to the music over and over.

Earlier this week Tyler's school had a Mother's Day breakfast. In Tyler's classroom we each got a neck massage from our child and then they rubbed lotion on our arms. They also gave us some sweet art expressing their love. They had a fill-in-the-blank info sheet about Mom. Here are a few of my favorites:
  • My mom is... 44 years old. (I don't mind that Tyler overshot my age by 5 years. What I really think is funny is that when he did this exercise last year in pre-K he said I was 20. Last year must have really aged me!)
  • My mom's favorite place to go is... HEB. (I guess Tyler thinks I like grocery shopping since I go there so frequently!)
  • If my mom could go anywhere in the world she would go to... Houston. (Tyler definitely had PawPaw and his cousins in mind.)

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