Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Sweet Berry Farm

We went to Sweet Berry Farm this weekend to check out all the fun fall festivities.

The Berry Bounce was Tyler's favorite part of the farm. That
kid could bounce all day long! Daphne had trouble climbing
the incline to get to the middle and the hot surface detracted
her from crawling up to the middle so she mostly watched.

Our little candy corn fans

Daphne really liked all the scarecrows,
especially this little one that is her size.

Showing off their arm paintings:
Tyler got a spider and Daphne got a dragonfly.

Giddy up!

The horse ride was the highlight of Daphne's day. She kept
petting the horses that were near where we were waiting in line.

Both kids enjoyed feeding the goats.

Barrel train- Daphne rode towards the front
and Tyler rode towards the back

The Hurtado clan worn out and ready for naps in the car

The kids helped me pick zinnias at the farm. They were really
excited to see them in a vase on our kitchen table.

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