Friday, October 31, 2014

Trick or Treat

Ready to go trick-or-treating in our neighborhood

The rest of us naturally walk much faster than
Daphne so every once in a while she would
declare, "I can't walk that fast."

Some of the entryways scared the kids but they
were still happy to stick around for candy.

Our little sweet tooth would have eaten candy
all night if we had let her.

The Flash was happy with his loot. The kids made out like
bandits at the nearby senior home and the residents really
enjoyed seeing the kids in their costumes.

Spider Hat

Tyler made this awesome hat at school.

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Bad Influence

I was recently chatting with the mom of one of Tyler's friends from preschool. Apparently her son's favorite color used to be pink and then he came home one day and declared that he didn't like pink or purple. His mom asked him why and he replied, "Because Tyler Hurtado doesn't like pink and purple!"

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Tyler doing his homework
Monday through Thursday Tyler has homework every night. It's pretty simple and usually only takes 5 - 10 minutes. There is a lot of handwriting practice for instance. For the most part the homework is supposed to get kids in the habit of doing homework for future grades. Today Tyler wanted to practice writing extra words and he has been working on sounding out the words. I told him I was glad that he likes kindergarten and Tyler replied, "I LOVE kindergarten!"

When in Rome...

Today on the playground at school, one of Daphne's male friends stripped off his shorts and underwear after he had a potty accident. Daphne and another male friend decided that looked like fun and started taking their clothes off too! Thankfully the teachers intervened quickly.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Sweet Berry Farm

We went to Sweet Berry Farm this weekend to check out all the fun fall festivities.

The Berry Bounce was Tyler's favorite part of the farm. That
kid could bounce all day long! Daphne had trouble climbing
the incline to get to the middle and the hot surface detracted
her from crawling up to the middle so she mostly watched.

Our little candy corn fans

Daphne really liked all the scarecrows,
especially this little one that is her size.

Showing off their arm paintings:
Tyler got a spider and Daphne got a dragonfly.

Giddy up!

The horse ride was the highlight of Daphne's day. She kept
petting the horses that were near where we were waiting in line.

Both kids enjoyed feeding the goats.

Barrel train- Daphne rode towards the front
and Tyler rode towards the back

The Hurtado clan worn out and ready for naps in the car

The kids helped me pick zinnias at the farm. They were really
excited to see them in a vase on our kitchen table.

Song Bird

Have I mentioned that Daphne loves to sing? She sings songs she knows like the ABCs or Baa Baa Black Sheep but she also makes up all kinds of songs. Sometimes I hear her singing in her room when she is supposed to be going to sleep.

PawPaw's Visit

My dad just sent me these photos from when he visited a few weeks ago. Daphne got to spend the day with PawPaw and me while Tyler was in school and then we all went to Tyler's soccer practice after school.

At the playground

Gym class

Tyler in action during a scrimmage

Daphne and Isabella playing their own version of soccer

Friday, October 24, 2014

Grandparents' Day

I just got this sweet photo from Daphne's preschool from last months Grandparents' Day celebration.

Family Bike Ride

We took our first true family bike ride this past Sunday. This past spring Daphne wanted nothing to do with the bike trailer and screamed when I put her in. Now she thinks it's pretty cool and is excited by her duck, duck, goose bike helmet. So we headed over to the Veloway now that the weather is finally cooling off (low 80s). Daphne rode in the bike trailer behind me and Tyler rode on the tag-a-long behind Michael. Tyler is not quite tall enough yet to help really pedal on the tag-a-long but he helps out a little bit and should grow into it in no time.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Tyler has really been enjoying soccer season and gets better and better with every game.
Daphne arriving to Tyler's soccer game in style

Tyler making a move past the other team

Tyler making a defensive slide tackle. He loves this move!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Field Trip

Tyler had his first school field trip on Friday to an educational farm. I tagged along as a chaperone and really enjoyed putting names to all the faces of his classmates that I hear about all the time. The kids really enjoyed seeing all of the animals and Tyler particularly liked the bison.

Wiped out after the field trip


Tyler didn't have school on Monday because of Columbus Day and so Michael took the day off and took Tyler and his parents fishing. They didn't end up catching anything, partially because it was super windy, but Michael said Tyler really started to get the hang of casting and still had a great time.

Tyler and Abuelito in action

Apparently Tyler loved running down this hill next to the lake.
You can see his silhouette at the top of the hill.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Party Hat

Daphne was helping me sort through some hand-me-downs that she has likely grown into and was very excited about this hat, which she called a "party hat".

Video Games

Sunday, October 5, 2014

New Friend

Daphne made a new friend at Tyler's soccer practice. It didn't hurt that Isabella was watching Super Why on her mom's phone and was perfectly content letting Daphne watch with her.

Nice Doggies

Daphne sometimes likes to pet the "dogs" in the front hallway at her school. And yes, she did wear her rain boots all day at school even though there was no rain in the forecast. She is in love with those rain boots!

Mud Ball

Tyler has been having a wet soccer season. Two of his first five games were rained out (one due to flash floods) and the other three have followed rainy days, which have resulted in some very muddy fields. The boys don't mind at all and are having a blast but I'm getting tired of cleaning mud off everything (including us spectators)!