Thursday, May 23, 2013

Dozer Day

Last weekend we went to Dozer Day for lots of construction fun!
Daphne was really excited about the hard hat and wore it
more than any hat I've ever tried to get her to wear.

Both kids loved the sand pile. Tyler was all about the trucks
and Daphne was all about getting dirty. We had to stop her
from eating sand a few times and despite wearing overalls
she still ended up with sand in her diaper.

Little Miss Independent just took off walking
like she owned the place when she was done
in the sand pile.

Tyler could crawled through the concrete pipes
and gone down the slide all day long!

Ear plugs anyone?

Daphne managed to squeeze in a nap

Putting size into perspective...

Waiting in line for the dump truck ride
Here is a video of Tyler in action trying to shoot tennis balls into far away cones:

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