Sunday, March 31, 2013

Daphne's Development

Daphne likes to "sort" the laundry. She takes the whites
from the small hamper and dumps them into the big hamper.
It seems like our little girl is quickly turning into a big girl. Here is what she is up to these days:
  • Walking: Daphne has been walking for over a month now and doesn't resort to crawling any more. She is still working on her balance and topples over now and then but she is loving her newfound walking freedom.
  • Climbing: Tyler's toddler race car bed is low enough to the ground that Daphne can climb onto it now. 
  • Teeth: All four of Daphne's first molars are through the gums and are slowly growing in. Two of her canines are working their way through the gums right now.
  • Accessories: Right now Daphne loves shoes and purses. On vacation she slung Tyler's empty backpack over one shoulder like she was carrying a purse. Daphne is fascinated by all the shoes in the house and she likes to hand me her shoes when it's time to put them on to go places. This love of accessories is making Michael nervous. Unfortunately she is not super wild about the hair clips with bows and flowers that I have been putting in her hair and she pulls them out. I've been trying to get her to wear one to keep her hair out of her face and they have to be big enough so that they aren't a choking hazard.
  • My helper: Daphne is my shadow and she is curious about everything I do. And she likes to "help" me around the house with the dishwasher, putting away the groceries, the laundry, etc.
  • Music: Daphne loves music. She will do the hand motions if you sing Itsy Bitsy Spider and she likes to clap along to If You're Happy and You Know It.

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