Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Daphne's Dental Drama

Ms. Mobile wouldn't sit still enough for me to get
 a close-up photo of her mouth this evening.
Unfortunately, Daphne experienced a "first" milestone about 5 or 6 years too early today: she lost her first baby tooth! This morning at daycare she pulled up on a low-to-the-ground high chair and managed to bang her mouth on the tray. One of her bottom front teeth came out, root and all. It bled a little bit and she cried a little bit but her teacher put ice on it and then she went back to playing all happy as a clam. Michael took Daphne in to the dentist and he said there's nothing to worry about and nothing to do. We know it's mostly cosmetic but we are still sad that she knocked out a tooth so early and that it will be quite a few years before it grows back in.

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