Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tyler Hits the Slopes

Tyler on toddler skis that allow the use of regular snow boots.
I am sure this is way more comfy than actual ski boots!

Apparently Tyler was grinning the entire trip!

Snowball fight with Dad

Tyler and Daddy had a blast!
Michael took Tyler skiing for the first time this past weekend. They found a small hill at Meadows where Tyler could try out toddler skis that are meant more for gliding through snow than actual downhill skiing. They didn't even bother with the chair lift, which can be tricky for beginners. (I know Michael and I fell getting off the lift numerous times when we first learned!) The area they played in was also near the maintenance quarters (lots of cool snow plows) and the ski patrol (awesome snowmobiles) and so Tyler got a kick out of all the snow toys.

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