Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tyler is 3!

Tyler turned 3 on Friday. His actual birthday was pretty low key. Tyler requested skee ball so we had a family celebration at John's Incredible Pizza and then opened presents at home. Click photo below for entire album.
Tyler's Birthday

We held the birthday bash on Sunday at The Little Gym. It is a fantastic spot for a kids' party! Tyler was grinning from ear to ear the entire time and had a blast. Click photo below for entire album.
Tyler's Birthday Party

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

More Hands Needed

Turning pages is tricky when your lap is full! Normally Daphne does not sit in on Tyler's bedtime reading but Michael had an evening work deployment. Thankfully Michael finished early so we could each attend to one kid at a time!

Hey Jealousy

Tyler has been pretty accepting of Daphne but jealousy does rear its ugly head from time to time, particularly when Tyler wants attention but has to share it with Daphne. A few blatant examples:
  • One day last week when I picked Tyler up from school he told me that I should leave Daphne on the sidewalk because he did not want her to come home with us.
  • Last night Michael was helping me change a particularly messy Daphne diaper and Tyler pushed his way between us and the changing table. We politely asked him to move but had to be more stern because he would not budge. Tyler responded by ramming his monster trucks into my legs.
  • Sometimes while feeding Daphne, Tyler also climbs up into my lap.

Song Lyrics

Tyler has started asking questions about song lyrics. Lately he likes listening to Chris Isaak's "Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing" while he brushes his teeth. Tyler is confused by the term baby and the idea of a broken heart. I tried to explain that baby is also used by adults as a nickname for other adults but Tyler is convinced that Chris Isaak wrote the song about his baby sister!


We have had a recent ant infiltration in the kitchen. The number of ants has been on the decline since we put out traps, but Tyler is scared of the ants and has talked about them quite a bit. A few days ago Tyler was dancing around instead of going potty and I absent-mindedly asked, "Do you have ants in your pants?" Tyler's eyes got really big and I had to reassure him that he did not actually have ants in his pants and that it is just an expression.

Sacked Out in the Bouncer

Crazy Tongue

We get a kick out of the many ways that Daphne sticks out her tongue!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Play Park

Roller coaster time

Daphne gets a kiss from Viola

Tyler would not let me tame his hair today.
He liked having "crazy" hair.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Shucks! Space Junk!

There was a segment on Sesame Street about check-ups with the pediatrician. I told Tyler he will be going in next week for his 3-year check-up. He replied, "Oh gosh! Shucks!" He picked up this catch phrase from an episode of Dinosaur Train and has been using it a lot lately. His other favorite phrase is "Space junk" from a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episode that he finds hilarious for some reason.

Playing Together

Daphne isn't quite sure what to think.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Strong Neck

This is the highest I have seen Daphne lift her
head during tummy time. I was quite impressed!

Bouncing Baby

Now that Daphne is more alert during the day, I decided it was high time to dig the bouncer chair out of the garage and re-assemble it. I had forgotten how outrageous the pattern on the fabric is!

Helpful Big Brother

Beep! Beep! Tyler was excited to be Daphne's chauffeur!
Even though Tyler is still adjusting to getting less attention from Mommy and Daddy, he does like to be a helpful big brother. He likes to help me carry the car seat between the living room and the garage. Whenever Daphne starts crying Tyler tells me, "Daphne is crying." or "Daphne is waking up." or "Daphne is hungry." Tyler also likes to narrate what he is doing and wants Daphne to watch him in action. He also talks about all the things he is going to teach her when she is bigger. I love it when Tyler gives Daphne a kiss on the top of the head!

Friday, February 17, 2012


After having family in town helping out for 5 weeks through this past Sunday, I survived my first week alone with 2 kids! Everyone warned me that 2 kids is more than twice the work of one and they were not kidding. As expected I am sleep deprived and it is rare that I can take a nap while both kids are napping. Tyler is craving attention and I made a pretty good effort to have at least one planned activity every day (with friends or his 2 mornings at school). Tyler threw a number of tantrums this week and wants me to carry him around the house sometimes because he sees me carry Daphne all the time. It is also extremely hard to get out the door with 2 kids and arrive somewhere on time. And I thought I was perpetually running late with just one kid! Boy do I look forward to Michael's arrival home from work each night. But I know it will get easier and I will eventually look back and miss when the kids were little because it flies by way too fast. For now I am going to enjoy the chaos and take maternity leave through the end of April, at which time I will resume my 3-day a week work schedule.

Ruffle Butt


Where is Tyler?

There he is!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lil' and Big Mickey

King Tyler

Tyler already thinks he calls all the shots but now that he has a crown it seems more official!

Roly Poly

If I prop Daphne up on her arms just right during tummy time she rolls onto her back. Pretty crazy!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Park

Enjoying a dry day

I think Daphne could sleep in her carrier all day long!

Tyler liked checking out the skateboarders

Monster Jam

Monster Jam
Monster Jam was on Saturday and to say that Tyler had a good time is an understatement! He is wild about monster trucks. Don't worry- Daphne and I sat this one out. Click on photo above for more pictures.

PlayDate PDX

After riding down on laps a few times, Tyler got up the courage to go down the tall slide all by himself! Everyone was too busy having fun in the ball area shooting the medieval cannons to get any photos of that.

Pump It Up Jr

Daphne was quite content to sleep in
the carrier while the rest of us played

The obstacle course was a favorite.
Tyler went through numerous times.

It's been a while since we have been to Pump It Up Jr, but
Tyler now climbs up all the ladders and even went down
the steepest slide all by himself.

We all took turns sliding with Tyler on the wide slide
or after him on the single slides.

Tia Ludy and Aunt Susan

Tyler, Ludy, Daphne, and Susan

Watching the movie Cars, which is why Tyler is wearing
his Lightning McQueen jammies and holding his car
Ludy and Susan just visited the past five days and I'm not sure who had more fun- them or Tyler! We hit Pump It Up Jr, Playdate PDX, the Monster Jam, and the park.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Meal Times

Tyler's old high chair is coming in handy. It has a recline feature and so we put Daphne in it at meal times, like today at lunch, when she is awake. She seems to like it okay so far.


This morning Tyler pretended to talk to my friend Teresa on his toy phone. He said, "Hello Teresa. How are you doing?" This evening Michael had the phone and Tyler asked him to call Teresa.


Michael's parents flew back to Texas yesterday. I think Tyler is feeling a little lonesome after having family in town for 4 weeks. This morning when he woke up I was holding Daphne because I had just fed her. Michael was getting ready for work. Tyler threw a HUGE tantrum when Michael left for work! Thankfully he eventually calmed down and we ended up having a pleasant day.


As Tyler and I were getting in the car yesterday to go get his hair cut:
Tyler: Where's Daddy?
Me: He's staying home with Daphne.
Tyler: Is Daddy pregnant?

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Too Much Fun!

Michael and his parents took Tyler to OMSI this morning. When they came home, Tyler ran into the house and exclaimed, "Mom! Tyler had too much fun!" He was wearing his diaper, socks/shoes, and a zip-up hoodie sweatshirt. Apparently Tyler had so much fun in the water area that his pants and shirt were thoroughly soaked. So much for wearing an apron!

Night Owl

This is how alert Daphne was this morning at 2 am inbetween feedings!

Race Cars

Tyler and Abuelito set up the race track so that the race car shoots off the end and jumps over a series of cars. Tyler kept saying that they were racing for the grand prize.

The Siblings Hanging Out

Tyler entertained Daphne while I got dressed the other morning. He very excitedly showed her his tractor and his fireman's hat.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Full Term

Daphne's original due date was today. It's hard to believe she is already 5 weeks old! She is doing well except that she has her first cold. The poor thing has been congested yesterday and today and is now very familiar with the bulb syringe. I think Tyler managed to avoid colds until he started daycare but this time around it is much harder with a germ-carrying toddler in the house.

Looking out for Little Sister

Michael's mom referred to Daphne as Sugar the other day. Tyler said, "She's not Sugar! She's Daphne Doodle!"

Yesterday while playing, Michael's dad turned on one of Tyler's fire truck sirens. Tyler said, "Don't turn that on. My sister is sleeping."

Abuelito & Abuelita

Tyler playing with Abuelito

Daphne is getting held lots!